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Alaska Interior and Western Alaska

Central – Circle Hot Springs

Under Contract
ASLS 78-163, Lot 82  -  apr. 4.78 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates:    Lat. 65° 29' 11" N and Long. 144° 41' 03" W

Well, if you are one of those people who want to get away from everything and live out there in the middle of nowhere, this might just be the perfect place for you.

You will be just about at the end of the road.  This place is about 125 miles north of Fairbanks on the Steese Highway to Central.  There you make a right turn towards the "Old" Circle Hot Springs and just before you get to the Hot Springs (currently not operating), make a right on Arctic Fox Avenue and here at the end of the road on the south side is where you find this Jewel.

Throughout this area many a miner struck it rich in the 19th century. There are trails going just about everywhere so perfect if you want to take your ATV and explore.   If you are a hunter, needless to say, this area offers some of the finest hunting.  You might even want to take a boat trip up and down the Yukon River, by driving about 30 miles to Circle "City".

Like I said, this is "remote" with very limited services, so if you are not self-sufficient and expect a fast food restaurant on every corner, "Stay Away!".

Yes, life in this area is challenging but rewarding and certainly beats all the razzle and dazzle of the big cities.  Please Google the area and the small village of Central so you see what you will get into.

The Price is $30,000.- Cash.

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